Why Trees Need Protecting

Why Trees Need Protecting


Protecting your trees is a must to avoid the massive ice storms of Central Texas. Many trees were affected in the Winter 2023 Ice Storm. However, the most damaged species was the Live Oak. They are evergreens, so when the ice formed a heavy blanket on their leaves, and they couldn’t withstand the weight causing them to break at their weakest points. Since deciduous trees didn’t have leaves, they were more likely to withstand the weight.

Native and Landscape trees on developed land were not protected and hit the hardest
Why is that?  

Many people we talk with prefer the natural look of trees not wanting to prune and train the growth direction of their trees. This can be a mistake. Homeowners often believe that because  the trees in their yards are native and withstood weather to this point, they will be strong enough to sustain storms and drought in the future. However, trees are heavily influenced by their surroundings, including other trees. Trees work together and block wind and entangle their roots which gives them an anchor. Sometimes, they actually grow on each other for support. When developers remove trees to build homes, the trees left behind lose their protection. They may appear strong, but their support system is compromised.

This can be mitigated by proper care.

Protect Your Trees with Top Arborists in Round Rock Texas

Actions you can take now to protect your trees

1. Remove the “volcanos” of mulch and dirt around the base of your trees.  You only need 2 -3 inches of mulch around your trees. Otherwise they will suffocate and weaken.

2. Water your trees regularly. Just as your grass needs watering, so do your trees. Droughts can weaken them and increase the risk of disease. Make sure you are slow dripping the water hose under the tree canopy and not right next to the trunk.

3.  Don’t let just anyone touch your trees. Many companies say they “do trees”, but they are not knowledgeable about what they are cutting. Contact a professional arborist to care for your home’s trees.

Leaf Tree Services has professional Arborists to serve all your tree care needs. Don’t wait to protect your trees from the next storm in Central Texas.